Author Archives: guest

Lucky to Know Rabbi O.

Of course there was the bris, the bar mitzvahs and the weddings all officiated by Rabbi but while these were memorable lifecycle events nothing compares to our Rabbi walking down the hall at the hospital in St. Louis. Our son, Stephen, was involved in a lifethreatening accident and while Bob and I were at Stephen’s side, who could have imagined that Rabbi came to be with us and support us through that harrowing time. We have told this story hundreds of times and still get chills knowing that Rabbi flew to help Bob and me. Stephen, thank G-d, had the best medical care but WE have the best RABBI. Mazel tov on your birthday. We look forward to celebrating with you and Sylvia and the entire family.

Love, Mattye & Bob 

By: Mattye & Bob Gandel

Sustaining The Synagogue Where We Prayed Together

Dear Rabbi Orenstein,
In commemoration of your wonderful birthday, I have made a Double Chai Donation to Congregation Beth El.

Roz Diamond

By: Roz Diamond

Rabbi Orenstein on Heschel

The last time Rabbi Orenstein taught at Beth El was a class my wife asked him to teach on his remembrances of Abraham Joshua Heschel, some of which is excerpted in his bio on this website.  I can still hear him regale us still with his strong voice, filled with joy and levity, discussing the man who was so central in creating the Rabbi Orenstein we all love.  His face beamed with pride in knowing this great man — the face so perfectly captured in his picture and in his bio.  Paraphrasing what Rabbi Orenstein said of Heschel, I am privileged to know this great man.  All who learned from him will never forget his teaching.

Bill Gold,
President, Beth El
By: Bill Gold

Dear Jehiel

Dear Jehiel,
You were and you are our spiritual guide. 
You have been with us in our saddest times and in our most joyous times.
You and Sylvia inspire us to lead more Jewish lives.
You are our role models.
We are blessed by your presence in our lives.
We thank you.
We love you,
Ruth and Aaron Bernstein

By: Ruth & Aaron Bernstein

Debra & Craig’s Wedding

Rav Jehiel marrying the two of us, with his grandson, David, Aviva’s eldest, looking on.

Dear Abba/Jehiel, 
     It’s stunning to think how many services you have led – and, through them, how many lives you have touched. If you multiply the seven wedding blessings times the number of couples you’ve married… the numbers are impressive. We are partial –  and we hope you are, too – to the family weddings you have conducted. Here is a picture of you in action at our wedding. All your bridal couples will recognize the tux, the smile, the warmth, the romantic gleam in your eye. Thanks for helping make it not just a special day, but a sacred one.
Love, Debby and Craig

By: Craig & Debby

Inspiration to Other Rabbis


Thank you for your many years of service and inspiration.  I remember one teaching that you shared with us at a NJRA meeting somewhere between 13 and 30 years ago while I was in the NJRA region.  You said that in reality, as rabbis, we preach about five sermons in our career.  I now see more clearly the significance of this insight.  It is somewhat like in Pirkei Avot in which Rabbi X says three things.  Obviously Rabbi X said more than three things but is best known for concentrating on those.  So it is with us.

Bob Rubin

By: Robert Rubin

Kindness During Tragedy

I met Rabbi Orenstein when he was in Great Neck for one year covering a sabbatical.  I lost both of my uncles in Great Neck within months of each other.  When the second one died Rabbi Orenstein was already at Beth El and we took my mother there to say Kaddish for her brother.  It was the beginning of a long relationship which has been so fulfilling for me.  In your honor, I will support the SOMA Independent Minyan’s daily minyan once a week.

By: Hilda Pressman

Junior Jewish Encyclopedia

Hi, Abba! In your honor and in honor of your brother-in-law and my uncle, Solomon, my kids and I will read the Jr. Jewish Encyclopedia. For those who don’t know, Solomon read the entire Encyclopedia Judaica and celebrated the completion of each volume with a siyyum (completion party) devoted to that letter. I recall that the B volume was celebrated with bubbly beverages and bagels. At the conclusion of reading all the entries for each letter in the Jr. Jewish Encyclopedia, Emmett and Hannah Mathilda are very excited to hold a “letter party” and share what they have learned with their Saba.  By: Debra Orenstein