Tzedukah box

Dear Rabbi,

You inspired us in so many ways over these years. Almost every Shabbat you gave the bnei mitzvah a tzedukah box and told them to put the spare change in the tzedukah box at the end of the week. Then when the  box was full, they should come back and talk to you about where to donate the money. You know the speech. You made it almost every week and we listened every time!

Each week we put our spare change in our two tzedukah boxes and you would be amazed at how quickly it adds up. We have great fun opening the boxes, rolling the coins and then picking a charity.

So it is just fitting that for your birthday, we opened our tzedukah boxes and made a donation in your honor to Solomon Schecter Day School of Bergen County.

Thank you for more than 20 years of teaching and inspiration.

Robin, Scott and Jamie

By: Robin Sitver

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