You have a gift

Dear Jehiel,

As a Rabbi, you have a gift for recognizing the universal yet making it feel so personal to your listeners. You are open and not afraid to admit your own struggles. You accept people as they are, helping others navigate their own personal Judaism. You have a special spot for children and grandchildren. I’ll never forget what you said at my father’s funeral: “for a grandparent, all a grandchild needs to do is breathe for him(or her) to be the greatest!”

You have taught me anew this year about acceptance by accepting Nikki’s and my weekly Friday lunches with you. You have never told us not to come. You patiently listen to our chitchat. You have shared some stories, previews from your book about your Seminary days, and the various chochmas from your children and grandchildren. You ask us about our families. You continue to inspire us by your selflessness.

We love you very much!

Rusty, Sam, Marin, Aliza,and Jenna

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